December 15, 2009

I`m retired

Hiks...muda lagi dah nk retired....baru 19...oppss, 23 la....hahaha....i`ve made a decision, no more facebook or friendster.....hmmm....facebook tu ak partially retired....because i do need facebook to keep in touch with my friends.....friendster dah selamat ak delete account...hahaha...lama dah x masuk friendster....

Ak addicted to facebook sampai 1 hari ak tersedar, kalo ak terus fb-ing, i will not finish my masters...bila x abis masters, mcm mna nk wat PhD....huuuuu.......itu mmg impian  ak untuk buat PhD....xdpt jadi doktor medic xper la, dapat PhD pon Dr jugak...Dr komputer...hiks....

So, since ak xboleh nk displinkan diri ak, ak mntk my sis untuk tukar password....i will only login next year, but no specific time lagi...huhuhu...let me finish my literature review first....

Tapi, cuma 2 benda yg ak xboleh nk stop...1 is yahoo messenger and second is my  "lovely" forum, Drama Republic....hahahaha.....the forum did "changed" my life in some`s not about the forum community (hmm, tipu la kan, somehow, some of them are now my "virtual" bestfriend, i can easily share my opinion with them, they are really a good friends....unfortunately, i cannot reveal their name, to him, him, him, him and her (most of them are guy...hahahahaha), thanks for being such a WONDERFUL friends to guys brighten up my guys rock~!!!!!! 

the forum itself pon influence byk dlm life ak... (ayat melampau sgt kan...ahh, lantak ler..suka atie le ak nk ckp pe pon...heeee), at least ada gak org yg ak leh share close friends suma tau yg ak nie memang minat citer jepun, artis jepun...mak ak pon dah tau...dulu dia bising gak, lama2 dia pon paham...thanks mak for your understanding...sayang mak...*muaaahhh*...ok2, sambung.....hr2 ak masuk forum tu....ohayo is a must...hahaha....wpun xde org kat chatbox, ak ohayo gak.....hehehe.....ish2...nk citer pasal forum tu byk yg besh, tapi masih xleh nk reveal nama2 org yg berkenaan...hahaha...nnt kena marah....huuuu~....tapi papepon, forum tu mmg the best walaupun baru nak masuk setahun..hehe...tahun depan 1st annivesary drama republic....kejap je kan....To Drama Republic admin and all moderators, keep it up a great work because u guys are awesome~!!!! i will always support my DR....heeee~

it`s true, i can slowly stop fb-ing, but to stop DR-ing, it`s really hard....whatever ppl say about it, i just don`t care about them, diri ak, ak tau pe yang ak sis pon dah tau, monitor lappy ak msti ada website biru...hahaha....dorg panggil web biru je since dorg tak tau nama website tu...apa2 jer la, you will always see me at DR...hahaha...kecuali la xde internet...that can`t be helped....

tu je kot nak share kali nie..hehehe.....mengumbirakan hati mlm ini sbb pagi tadi dapat berita sedih...huk3......xper la, my first attempt kan, xleh nk expect dorg akan terus nk accept..."Learn as u go"......i love this quote since it comes from my beloved sis and supervisor.....insyaALLAH  i will try harder for my masters..... ^___________________________^

1 comment:

amirul said...

hahah..nice post in your blog..DR always in your it and very like it.