-Allah servant aims to be better khalifah.Cat's lover.Mummy's girl.Secret lover.Ikimonogakari die hard fans-
March 31, 2010
Blogger in Draft...Simply Awesome!!!
Lawa x layout baru blog ak? ngeh3....ak edit guna blogger in draft..it`s new features....you know what, we can self-customize the layout, the background, the width and memacam lg la..^^....and this is what we called USER-FRIENDLY.....hehehehe.....
You guys can check this out Blogger in Draft ....hmm, kalo dulu nak tukar template atau layout kat blogspot nie, it`s either kita search free template atau sapa2 yg rajin nk photoshop, dorang akan design sendiri background, tapi for those yang malas nk design, tapi rajin nk blogging, korng leh guna features nie....petang tadi, ak mencuba suma features yang ada...hehehehe....ok la...lg senang nak maintain (in terms of design la) blog korang....kalo rasa malas nk design sendiri, guna je available design ada, not bad...design pon cantik2....
Tu je nak share pon.....hiks.....
**post nie dalam draft, tapi nak publish gak....miahahahahha..... /wahaha
When it comes to the end…….
Tomoro is the day!!!!yipeeee!!!!!It`s our last day of SCJP training…phew!!! (onion head yg ntah pape)…….FINALLY, i managed to follow three weeks course with 100 % attendance (good girl okes!!!)…..miahahahahhaha…..
tapiii……..1 more post-assessment to go…..WTH!!!! i`m enough with the 2 post-assessment (post without pre….*weird*) and 1
open MOCK exam for SCJP…..am i eligible to sit for the SCJP exam? ahaaaaa, i`m still waiting for the result….dpt x dpt….we`ll wait and see….heeee….hatiku berkata, “Kirah darling, the chances are there, chaiyok2”….tapi sapa tau kan….kot instinct nie mengeluarkan monolog dalaman yg keji..saje nk bg sakit hati kat diri sendiri ke… (what the heck i am talking about nie!!!!
Ok for now….need to digest all commands for the post-assessment…… …wahahahaa, nvm, as long i hv ikimonogakari, shota-kun, cn blue and “abg2 toho”(pinjam jap ekk nadiah) to accompany me tonite, it should be no problem nak jadi burung hantu…ngeh3……hopefully i can at least memorize the standard command because there are
THOUSAND (tipu, sbb ak x kira pon) command i need to remember and each of it makes me
P/s – Sorry for the grammatical error. I forgot to mentioned this on my previous posts….Gomenasai…I`m not an English native speaker, so i consider grammatical error is something common….heeeeeee~
March 30, 2010
Testing emoticon using embedded javascript
Thanks pchan for the alternative...hehee...onion head rocks!!!!!!
March 29, 2010
[Lyrics] Insha ALLAH – Maher Zain
Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way x2
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way
Thanks to : islamiclyrics.net
[V] Ft.Island - Only one person [1st live concert]
Missing them T_T
I miss all of them so damn much...i resist myself to watch this series because i keep saying to myself, no more drama or else you will not finish your work(monolog dalaman)....damn, my inner voice being cruel to me....T_T....i really miss them (
wiwiwiwiwiwiwi.....that`s all i can say........*wink wink*
March 28, 2010
Dinner with besties ^____^
Last friday, we went to Noodle station ….our fav place to hang out sbb kat tepi laut (xde la tepi laut), across the sea la….nampak la laut pulau pinang yg tak berapa nk jernih + penang bridge yg sentiasa byk kenderaan…hehe ….atie suka pg situ sbb de pure chocholate ice blended, my fav too
…hahaha,nadiah pulak as always, her fav drinks, coffee
Nie la antara wajah2 hepi selepas amek post-assessment & mock exam utk SCJP …hehehehe…plannyer nk p BJ pas p noodle station, tapi since dah malam + dari e-gate nak ke BJ tu agak jauh, ak request utk pg next friday je sbbnyer next friday dah abis java training….wahahaha…next week blaja
Solaris….it something new to me and i love to learn new thing …hehehe….sejak bila ntah…..kui3….
Testing emoticon via live writer ^^
Thanks to xiaoyenzi for the kawaiiii onion head!!!!
Hopefully, it works well…hmm, now live writer ease my blogging activity…Thanks pchan!!!!!
March 27, 2010
Chocolate is the best remedy!!!!
my all time fav…cadbury black forest!!!!kalo ak stress, tense atau tiba2 je mood x berapa nk ok, i`ll look for this first…..walaupun x buat stok kat umah, tp slalunyer ada je 1 bar yg paling besar tu..hehehe…bar plg besar tu pon tahan la 2 hari kot..hahaha…pastu kna beli lain…huhuhu….cokelat tu sampingan je…yg sebenarnyer ak stress sgt2!!!! byk bnda nk kena buat within this yr….lg2 bila my sv dah bg “gentle” warning…”no matter what happen, you kena finish your masters this yr jugak” ….OMG!!!!! xke stress bla dengar statement tu….
i`m not blaming anyone for whatever happened lately…hahaha [ada kena mengena ke =.=”]….early planning ak feb, march & apr mmg 100% FOKUS kat literature review and preliminary study….tapi………….byk plak benda lain yg ak kna wat….out of my research topic plak tu….so, early planning nak siapkan chapter 2 memang sangkut….so, 1 month left utk siapkan literature review… *dead*….sooooooooo dead!!!!!! 6 bln pnya keje terpaksa ak squeeze dlm march & apr….chapter 2, pre-study, camera ready utk ITSIM……wahahahahahha…….tp smpt lg ak blogging…ngeh2….nie pon mencuba live writer…konon nk offline blogging…kira post nie mcm testing post utk apps tu la….
March 26, 2010
blogging is my hobby....^____^
I love the new features of blogspot...blogger in draft ease my day....miahahahahah....self-customization, that`s the main features yg blogspot provide.....So, since dah ada blogger in draft nie, now i have ONE good reason to create a new blog.....but, first what i need to do is PHOTOSHOP-ing......wahahha....dah berapa minggu x ps-ing nie...ketagih dah...kui3...last ak ps-ing rsanya masa wat banner utk forum ikimono-world...and u know what? I won that competition...hahhaha....hepiii...double hepi......Nie la hasil keje ps-ing ak yg menang...kekekeke....
wahahaha....ak suka melalut la..lain yg nk cite, lain plak yg ak cite....hehhe....gomenasai >.<
ak dah melalut ke php plak...aduyaii...sok mock exam, tpi xde hati pon nak buat....cam ak kata kat nadiah, "separuh javaku pergi".....huhuhu....tp esok ak akan cuba yg terbaik wpun ak tau susah nk pass.....markah lulus tu 80%, 65 Qs, 3 hours.....@_@.....meh ak letak 1 coding yg kna trace manually...for those yg tau programming, korg mesti leh jawab...hehehe....Here`s the coding....
class A {
public void doA() {
B b = new B();
class B {
public void dobB() {
C c = new C();
class C {
public void doC() {
if (true)
throw new NullPointerException();
public class TryMe {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
A a = new A();
} catch (Exception ex) {
Answers :
Nie la contoh soklan utk mock exam...huhuhuhu.......tawakal je la sok......=.="