August 11, 2010

Bila pulak turn sya? =.=”


They have started the postgrad seminar.Fufufufufu…..All masters by RESEARCH are compulsory to conduct 2 different seminars…The first one is research proposal and toward the end of our candidature period, we have to conduct another seminar which is Thesis defense….The question is, When is my turn? (sentap perut bila pikir hal nieonion129 )…Jangan dihantar emel mengejut sudey….maunyer tak tido malam den nnt….Hopefully, after raya or a month after raya ak dah prepare….ak sendiri akan book slot for my presentation….hehe……Takut! onion08


Wahahahaha……4 days left before the result reveal…Yay, mintak2 la my 2nd paper dapat (Amin)….Dapat lg pg conference! Yay! onion49

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