October 21, 2011

sweet fifteen? always!!!!

Saya masih sweet fifteen.  Masih muda di hati & di wajah…hahahah…..


inilah rupa sweet fifteen onion49

Muda belia kan? Nak muda dari 15? 13 boleh? Hahaha….It look like saya meng-tidak-kan my own age kan….Nope, I am not.

Tak salah nak jadi muda selalu, sebab realitinyer orang takut utk jadi tua.

Tua tak boleh jadi muda, tapi bila muda, lambat utk jadi tua.

So, which one do you prefer? A or B?

Either one pon, realitinyer jugak kita akan menghadapi hari tua.

Hehehe :)

Just turn 25. Tua? Nope, age is just a number, number and always gonna be numbers!!!!!

The only things that count is our heart


Again, thanks for all the wishes that I received thru phone calls, sms, facebook. It just made my 25th birthday so special. On top of that, supervisor belanja Manhattan fish market and paksu & maksu came all the way from Perak just to celebrate my birthday. Hepi yg amat. Thanks Allah for gave me such good friends, supervisor and the most important thing is my superb family :) onion76


P/s- Tahun depan “sweet sixteen”, berharap dapat sambut dengan si dia. Miahahaha :p


Imran Mohd Zawawi said...

si dia??

tahniah :D

Mrs. Ady Firdaus said...


Anonymous said...

ai.asiksi dia ni..aku nak tau jugakkkk~aigoo~

-kirah- said...

terima kasih...doakan yg terbaik utk kami :)