Looking at my currently watching list,mcm ak ada banyak masa utk catch up with all the series. Seriously, I dont have time for that, tapi sambil menyelam leh je nak telan air, so itu la yang ak buat sekarang..hiks…the different is, ak lg byk telan air dari menyelam…do you get what i mean? Yeap, ak lg byk tgk citer dari buat keje, so, thats why I came with a
perfect solution last nite! buat schedule utk diri sendiri as I cant discipline myself, so I need a schedule!!! hoi hoi hoi….dah tua2 pon masih nak buat jadual..hahahaha…its to make sure i do my job on time and i dont waste my time anymore…1 day left before Oct 1st and what I did so far? NOTHING!!!!!! mati le ak…2 weeks break i did nothing and lepas raya too many things happened, so I cant concentrate on my research…semalam baru warm up writing, nsb baik la writing skill masih ada cuma momentum utk writing tu dah kurang…i dont care about en.mahmood anymore, either dia mai ke x, ak kna start writing jugak..kalo tunggu dia, alamatnyer ak x jmpe2 la…huhuhu….
back to the topic, currently im watching TARA 4 ( once a week, ok la nak follow pon) , ugly betty ( bedtime story) and itazura na kiss anime utk hilangkan stress…hiks…HNK 2 dah wrap up, skrg tunggu eng subs utk last 2 episodes, unubore deka?hm…better for me to wait for the full eng subs or even better kalo tunggu harsub je..heheeh…hammer session? downloading in progress!!!! miahahahaah…..
Ok, blogging time is over, back to work!!!! jaa~
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